Thursday, March 01, 2012

Star Wars Toys rejects

George Lucas and crew actually rejected merchandising? I am shocked. Heck, for what its worth thye wouod probably have made a million bucks of each rejected item. I guess it affected the 'Star Wars mystique.'


I guess.


I would have really like this one.

We need some enterprising young wood worker out there to build a Castle Keeper's throne.

Out of bones!




John Matthew Stater said...

Question: How can you simultaneously reject an inflatable throne and accept the Star Wars Holiday Special and Episodes 1 through 3? I'm guessing a dice or dart board came into the decision process at some point.

Davis Chenault said...


yeah, and the inclusion of Jar Jar Binks just makes my jaw drop. They reject a jaba the hut bean bag chair but have a life sized Jar Jar doll.


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