Monday, November 01, 2021

Word of the Day -- Treacle

This word has always intrigued me.  It sounds as if it is the perfect word to describe itself.  In other words:

Treacle -- is a British word for molasses. The heavy sweetness of the syrup influenced people to apply its name to things overly sentimental.

My father was a collector of words and this was one of his favorites.  He would cart it out whenever there was a sappy commercial on.  He'd say: "That is some trifle treacle" a double play on words, sort of a Dad Joke powerhouse.  While I'm on the subject, I'm not sure when jokes came to be called that and to have be a negative.  I love puns and simple jokes, always have.  And I'm not a dad (except to our pets) so there.  :-)

See, a trifle can be food, but also something inconsequential, and treacle is a molasses but also something overly sentimental. Thus, a trifle treacle! (This is where Mary would chime in to let me know that if you have to explain your joke, it's probably not that good.)



GM said...
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GM said...

I made a treacle the quest recently and players LOVED it. Hargan Bloodmeade, a retired adventurer and soldier in the Velandish army has a loving daughter, Adrianna, from whom the quest was obtained. She noticed the magical treacle once used by a witch to stave off Hargan's near-mortal battle wounds hand worn, and the man was in epic pain and want for passing on. The player characters learned from the remaining Druids of the Moot Council that the treacle, a simple sap from a rare but legendary magical plant, grew in a crevasse within the mountain, inside the fabled lair of the Scorpion King, once an undefeated nemesis of Hargan. In this all-original homebrew module, searching the switchbacks of the mountain revealed the abandoned domicile of an ancient member of the Moot Council. Although finding the Druid's home was a completely optional side-quest, the players were THRILLED to find an already harvested bit of the treacle inside! They never had to face the Scorpion King, returned to Adrianna, and saved her father, earning them legendary rewards. (This has been one of my favorite inspirations, all based just on the awesome, and quite High Gygaxian prose word, Treacle. -Tom Grzep. (Cleveland, Ohio)

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