Friday, November 12, 2021

Morning Myth - Hell hath nor fury like a... Well, yes it does.

Slavic mythology has quite a few interesting aspects to it. I found this one particularly to my liking. 

There is a deity named Peklenc whose primary roll is as a judge of man. He rests between the gods of light and the gods of darkness though is more closely associated with the gods of light. Peklenc resides in the underworld or beneath the earth rather than in 'hell.' it is said he mastered the art of metallurgy and gave it to man, could create gems at will and places them in the earth, cause earthquakes, and can create lakes. His servants and emissaries are basilisks, which could produce a few problems should they try to communicate with mortals. 

Peklenc is the judge and jury of man. He records everything men do and makes them account for their actions either in life or death. In life, Peklenc gives mortal a chance to redeem themselves - sometimes. Other times he just has them killed, swallows villages whole, or bedevils them. In death he likewise punishes them - sometimes. He shuffles the good souls off to the realm Svarog and gives others to Czernobog who spends eternity obliterating them.

What I found endearing is Peklenc's has a history of sending evil spirits to antagonize leaders who do not serve the best interests of those in their charge.

More can be found in the Codex Slavorum - available at the link - in our store.

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