Monday, November 29, 2021

A Proper Homage to AD&D

 With the release date for the 8th printing of the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook set for December 6, 2021 (on our store, it will be in local shops in January), it seems fitting to explain a little about what we've been with it. 

There are two basic changes to the PHB the Monsters & Treasure and Castle Keepers Guide. The first are the covers. The second is the interior layout. I'll talk about the second tomorrow in detail, but today just want to point out the covers.

Each of these three books comes in two covers: the standard cover and the alternate or tribute cover. The standard cover is the wonderful panoramic art by Peter Bradley that paints a story from cover to cover. 

The alternate/tribute are homage covers to the original covers of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons covers that sprang into our lives back in the 70s and early 80s and launched an entire new industry that eventually blossomed from table top to video game. Those covers are iconic for all gamers and nostalgic for older gamers. We felt it was high time to pay tribute to these mighty predecessors to Castles & Crusades and there is no better place to do it then the front covers.

Jason Vey put this beautiful montage together. You can enjoy the original and the C&C tribute covers all here. 

The Castles & Crusades Players Handbook, 8th printing goes on sale on December 6!

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