Monday, November 08, 2021

Word of the Day -- Passel

This a just a great word, a word you can bring out on any occasion when you have a lot of stuff:

Passel -- a large number or amount of something.

For instance, because I didn't work too much this weekend (helping a friend move) I was welcomed to a passel of work emails in my inbox (about 120, definitely a passel) and took me the better part of the day to get them answered and sorted.  I try to get back to people in a timely manner, usually 24 hours if it is a week day, but sometimes I get a log jam if I take a day off, which is why both Steve and myself hate taking days off.  :-)

First use of the word was in the 1820's or so and is an alteration of the word parcel.  Cool stuff!  A whole passel of information you might say.  :-)

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