Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Slow it Down

The folks over at the NASA/JPL need to slow the names down.

Curiosity is pushing his way across the Gale Crater to study the segmented rock of Mount Sharp in hopes of getting a better understanding of the long term Martian environment…wind and possible water erosion, as well as geothermal and seismic activity, etc. etc. The journey will take and has been taking several months.

In route they are stopping to study rock formations and other oddities that they are calling Waypoints. Waypoint 1 proved of little value and they have moved on, but the site itself took on the name Darwin.

Darwin? For some rocks? Come on, pick a lesser known science guy, like pick any one of the UN scientists, they aren't real scientists anyway. Or name it after thy guy who invented the Shady Hand . . .

But no reason to go all Darwin on us yet. Wait until you find something really cool to name it Darwin, like some pit that has the markings of primordial sludge or some such.

Darwin . . . .

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