Friday, September 06, 2013

Historical Footnotes - Oath Rings

This is an item for a game if ever I saw one.

Two men in Denmark unearthed, whilst farming, four wrist-sized golden rings from the Viking period. Each of the rings has two hollow cups at each end where they are joined to make the ring.

Each of the rings discovered show signs of wear, which means they were not simply for sacrificial reasons. This is important because it is thought, as taken from the Sagas, that the rings were soaked in sacrificial blood as oaths were administered between two men. Signs of wear means the rings themselves were not sacrificed or placed in a treasure trove, but rather were worn as part of one's daily dress.

Earlier finds on Viking teeth show sings of chiseled teeth, that were often painted with colors or set with colored stone.

This is further evidence that the Vikings sported quite the dress in daily life and most likely, in combat.

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