Thursday, December 06, 2012

Word of the Day -- Wizard

In keeping with the Day 2 of the Christmas Sale, I thought I'd talk about the word Wizard.  Oremannes is a wizard and a powerful wizard at that.  The word wizard, interestingly enough, has been around since the 15th Century and is Middle English in origin; meaning it is native to English speakers which I find intriguing.  I know other languages and cultures have magicians, shamans, wu jen, sorcerers, but it seems the word wizard is unique to English.  It has several different meanings, all closely related to one another: 1) A wise man, 2) One skilled in magic, 3) a very clever or skillful person.  Wise man is closest to the origin of the word, the Middle English wis, but it's not really used that much anymore.  The latter two are what we think of mostly when we think of the word wizard.

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