Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Earth 2

I'm pretty sure that was a tv show...but it seems that astronomers have discovered another earth-like planet, or at least a planet in the habitable zone, at Tau Ceti. Tau Ceti is a star that bares some similarities to earth, though it has much less mass. It is about 12 light  years away from our solar system, which basically puts it within spitting distance.

Is there life? Who knows, but there is little doubt that the universe is teeming with life, much like our own planet.


The Grey Elf said...

Alas, if I'm not mistaken, this planet is about the size of Jupiter, which means the gravity would crush us if we landed on it...

Troll Lord said...

I think that just means we have to jump on and get off really quickly! LOL

Troll Lord said...
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