Friday, November 11, 2011

Classic Monsters

So we've put quite a few of Peter Bradley's art on the blog and in the video and of course you've seen Sarah Walker's work on the cover of the forthcoming  Classic Monsters. I asked Jason Walton, whose worked with us from the very beginning by the by, back in 2000, to send over some of his. He sent me this batch.  Enjoy!  (but don't forget to take advantage of the Trolls and get your pre-orders in today!).


Dan said...

Those are great pics and a nice teaser for this book.

Can't wait for this bad boy.

maasenstodt said...

Agreed. Those look great and I'm excited to see the finished work.

Plywood Memories from Gencon to Vegas

  Out trip to Gencon took us up through the Arkansas Delta country, and into the boot of Missouri, across the Big Muddy and on into the spra...