Monday, January 03, 2022

Word of the Day -- Oxymoron

This one always gets me because it points out the vagaries and idiosyncrasies of our dear English language:

Oxymoron -- a figure of speech that uses opposing words for emphasis.

Think: act naturally, proud humility, deafening silence. These contradictions serve to make someone pause and think about the effect of the words. Other times, they add a little drama for listeners or readers. Instead of creating conflict, the oddity of an oxymoronic pair of words just works.

If those weren't enough, here are a few more: 

  • Growing smaller
  • Jumbo shrimp
  • Only choice
  • Open secret
  • Original copy
  • Painfully beautiful
  • Passive aggressive
  • Random order

So you can see, we are an interesting lot, us oxymoronics!


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