Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Misbegotten Plunder (Adventure Hook with Picture!)

Clambering atop the rocky edifice reveals a rugged country whose verdant greens lap up against the stark granite of what seems the scales of some ancient beast lying beneath the earth. Huge rock formations jut from the ground, broken layers of stone angled to the the skies. Each hundreds of feet high, and though easy enough to climb, they offer no final ledge or refuge to rest. They are sharp and broken, inhospitable formations.

But it is here, you know, beyond a doubt, that the gnolls bury their honored dead and with them the wealth of their plunder. Theirs's is a plunder taken from the weak and innocent, for gnolls are vile creatures of ill temperaments and an unusual lust for the suffering of others.

Relieving their tombs of this misbegotten wealth is a good thing....

For adventuring fun check out Castles & Crusades and the World of Aihrde.

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