Monday, August 09, 2021

Word of the Day -- Imprimatur

I mentioned in an earlier wotd that my wife and I enjoy playing puzzles in the morning with our coffee.  We get up, make the coffee, get the hygge lights going (yeah I know, but they really are nice) check on Maggie the elder boxer and Thumper the crazy cat. We open the curtains to see if the deer and birds have finished the seed and corn.  Then we sit on the couch, bring out the laptop and start in on the puzzles.  And about once a week they have a special quiz, usually about difficult words.  

This past week's quiz was no exception and today's word comes from that:

Imprimatur -- approval

This was the short answer to the quiz.  Full disclosure -- I believe we guessed correctly in the multiple choice, but we didn't know the word.  

And it actually has a bunch of definitions when you look it up; they mostly mean the same thing but with subtle differences.  For instance you can say it is approval, as in written approval because the word means "let it be printed" in New Latin according the MW.  But it can also mean to imprint, such as make an impression upon a piece of paper.  Hence, a stamp of approval, etc.  

It's not a word I think will become part of my everyday language, but it's still pretty cool...


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