Thursday, August 12, 2021

Gnoll God of Death

Itzak the gnoll god of Death, War, Chaos -- Itzak is both a horrible creature and a beautiful sight to behold. With its sleek scintillating brown fur festooned with black spots and a silvery mane, her vast canine body has an ethereal beauty to it. Her large broad snout and jaws drip with frothy blood as she cackles into the heavens. Four of her six arms end in clawed hands, grasping weapons that scream with the pain of those she has killed. In one hand, she holds the severed head of her latest victim and, in the other, she holds a golden bowl where she collects the blood dripping from the stump. She constantly laps this up with her long black tongue. The world quakes in terror at her arrival.

Every gnoll worships Itzak. There is no dissent from this, for if they do not pay homage to her, she or her priests track them down and slaughter them. All gnolls live in perpetual fear of Itzak, as it is believed she desires nothing more than to kill them all, and she is only stayed by the commandment of Akad. To assuage her ire, once a year, gnolls sacrifice anything they can, sometimes their own children, sometimes.

-- From Gods and Legends (coming soon from Troll Lord Games)

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