Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The Confessor Knights

At the height of the Winter Dark Wars, in the year 1028md, St. Luther broke the blade Durendale upon the crown of the High Priestess Nectanebo.  The blow ended her days forever, and she passed from the world.  But in her death she also slew Luther, driving him back to the Dreaming Sea. 

There he labored upon his sorrows and grieved at the loss of Durendale, the shards of which he took to the Paladin’s Grove for safekeeping to await the coming of the next bearer of the sword.  He wove himself a Mantle to wear in humility.  Imbued with the gifts of Corthain, this Mantle became the article of Confession which marked Luther’s latter days in Airhde.  He became Luther the Confessor, and when at last he mustered the strength to return to the world of men, he returned as an agent of good with the duty to cleanse souls.

In that year, 1029md, he founded an order of knights to bid his heed and serve the world in a similar fashion.  They were chosen from the most lawful and honorable of men, be they peasant or lord, and were dubbed Knights by St. Luther.  They were given mantles of azure blue to mark their station and rank.  These great cloaks were pinned around their shoulders with clasp symbols of Law and Good.

Armored in plates of steel upon great destriers with lances and swords, these Knights left the Isle of Blight and the Sea of Dreams to explore the world and confess the deeds of men, whether they be good or ill.  They numbered thirty-two in their beginning, but four fell in the intervening years.  The order has grown little since then, for to join it one must gain the attention of St. Luther and be given residence upon the Dreaming Sea, a thing the Paladin Lord is little inclined to do.

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