Friday, May 17, 2013

Hell in the Solar System

Venus rides the horizon, beneath the moon, as the brightest object (next to the moon) in our nightly sky. Its plain to see with the naked eye and with even small telescopes the orb glistens in the dark. Named after the Roman god of love and beauty, Venus is anything but. 

She rides the deeps in clouds of acidic rain, where lightening rips the clouds asunder almost continually. Her crust grinds and shifts and the molten ores beneath it vomits forth its slag in multiple volcanoes. The belching furnace sends spirals of ash into the clouds where it cooks the cauldron even further and the acid rains upon the planet's scarred back. All this from above and below drives the surface temperature to ranges well beyond 800 degree fahrenheit (roughly 400 celsius). 

Its Mean as Hell . . . 

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