Friday, May 10, 2013

Cold weather town of the day -- Oymyakon, Russia

Today the high in Oymyakon, Russia will be 47 degrees Fahrenheit.  Not too bad, eh?  However, it is a very cold place.

On February 6, 1933, a temperature of −67.7 °C (−90 °F) was recorded at Oymyakon's weather station. This is, along with the same reading at Verkhoyansk, the lowest recorded temperature for any permanently inhabited location on Earth. It is also the lowest temperature recorded in the Northern Hemisphere.  Only Antarctica has recorded lower official temperatures (the lowest being −89.2 °C (−129 °F) near the Russian station of Vostok).

You can read more about this bitterly cold place here.

 And I thought Maine was cold...

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