Friday, April 26, 2013

Star Trek, Z, and More

Somehow I missed this preview. The first one made me raise my eyebrows, it didn't look like a movie unfolding in space . . . which is essentially why Star Trek is so bad ass, because its in space (well that and some cool characters and such) . . .  and the wreckage of the Enterprise forced my eyebrow to rise.

However, upon seeing this preview I'm a little more encouraged. It looks like we'll have at least one titanic struggle in space.

Second Trailer for World War Z. I'm really looking forward to this. Be a complete turn around from the Walking Dead (which I can't stop watching).

And here the next Riddick, the teaser trailer at any rate. I hope he goes back to what made Pitch Black a very good sic-fi film. Setting, mood, suspense, all set to an alien landscape from whose dark channels we don't know what's coming.

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