Thursday, September 24, 2015

UFO Files

Today the MUFON Symposium opens up in Irving California. This is the annual event for the Mutual UFO Network and sports a variety of panels, lectures, discussions and readings. It looks rather interesting. See more at the above link.

The Symposium runs through Sunday.

Meanwhile in UFO siting news, a witness scored some interesting video of a low flying unidentified object that seems to sport a number of lights, coming and going off. The object is several hundred yards off and the witness estimated it as the size of a football field....which rather rules out any drones.

Interesting footage. Don't know wha tot make of it myself.

Read more here.

As always, I don't know what I'm seeing in these things, not sure what I believe, but I sure like the idea of it, and that helps me keep an open mind.

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