Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Star Trek Gets New Director

JJ Abrams has moved on to some other projects, leaving the Star Trek franchise without a director. There has been talk all over Candyland about who will take up the role, well it looks like Robert Orci is the front runner. He's worked on the ST material for some time, but has never directed a feature length film.

Who can say what the out come will be. The Star Trek movies were really good, fun movies, but didn't quite capture that feeling that really good science fiction does. Star Trek was never meant to be Star Wars, but more along the lines of really interesting stories in deep space. Which of course is the reason that of them all, thematically, the first Star Trek movie is still the best, Voyager returns was just a fantastic idea . . . no galaxy conquering borg or time traveling Romulans, just a really good tale about the strange nature of deep space.

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