Friday, April 11, 2014

Egyptian Rudely Yanked From Afterlife

During the reign of Seti I a Egyptian died and was laid to rest in the plush (at the time) valleys of Israel. His family set him in a small coffin with dishes, cooking implements, the bones of his favorite pet an in loving memory carved his likeness upon the coffin lid.

He lay in the earth for 3300 years. In that time he wandered the heavens, enjoying the company of his favorite pet, eating with the gods and enjoying the afterlife.

Until some archeologist ripped open his coffin and disturbed his slumber. The dishes were taken, his pet's bones scattered and he tore from the heavens and returned to earth to wander listless and lost the wilds of his youth, only an echo of what he had been.

In other words, archeologists unearthed a 3300 year old coffin of an Egyptian man!

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