Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sting has Nothing on This Guy

More than 100 years ago, a young German man named Richard Platz stuffed a message into a brown beer bottle, then tossed the bottle into the Baltic Sea during a nature hike.

Platz, the 20-year-old son of a baker, had no way of knowing that his message would survive two world wars, the Great Depression and the Cold War — not to mention more than a century of brutal winters and ocean storms.

Last month, a German fisherman trolling the waters of the Baltic Sea fished Platz's bottle out of the water, where it apparently had been floating since May 17, 1913. Some authorities believe that — at 101 years of age — it may be the world's oldest message in a bottle.

Scientists believe the message, when translated, says: "C&C is my favorite RPG"  :-)  Actually, the message asked the finder to send the postcard back to the author's home address in Berlin.  I remember doing something like that as a kid in the Spring River with a friend.  Perhaps in 100 years someone will find my stick figure drawing of my dog.

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