Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What I am Working on

I want to find the time to do one video a week - at least. One would think I could pull two hours out of my hat. Alas, my hat is small.
In other news, I am laying down the groundwork for my Inzae material. Currently I have three books planned; a players guide, a game guide and a monsters guide. I have not yet decided if I am going to go with the three book model. I much prefer the one book model. On the other hand, I prefer smaller books to larger books. There is more portability. Anyway, two, three, one, or eight. Who cares, I really just need to focus on writing it first.
The other project I am working on (just started) is fixing the U1 module maps. I thinks it is D1, Chimera's Roost. This is going to be painful. The map was complicated to begin with and much was lost between my head, the paper, the map i drew for Peter, peter's interpretations of my chicken scratch and all. Anyway, I am working on that. To make it even more challenging, no one knows where the originals are. HA
I have designed a game called Conquest of Airdhe. Its a supply based and artifact find type wargame. Sorta Enchanted Forest meats Risk one night and have a child who has a fondness for supplies. It needs some work, but it is there.
There is something else I am supposed to be doing, but I can not think of it. I am sure Steve will let me know by the end of the day.

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