Monday, February 07, 2022

Word of the Day -- Puttanesca

Over the weekend I was chatting (well texting to be precise) with Mac, one of the founders of C&C.  We both love to cook and are even starting a cooking thing for Aihrde and our own thing for YouTube.  First episode: Scrambled Eggs!  I'm still trying to learn to edit videos.  Once I get the hang of it, look for our premier!

But this weekend he was filling me in on capers and caper history etc. when he came up with this nugget:

Puttanesca -- served with or being a pungent tomato sauce typically containing olives, garlic, capers, hot pepper, and sometimes anchovies.

Seems straightforward right?  Delicious, to be sure, but it's the origin he sent me that was the kicker:  Yes, puttanesca literally translates to “of, relating to, or characteristic of a prostitute,” to quote the OED.  There are a ton of theories as to why it is called that, but they seem to all come down to some sort of aroma. And that is probably all we need to know about that.  :-)

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