Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Word of the Day -- Moat

Today we "dive" into another part of a castle (clever, eh?  my wife didn't think so either), this time, the:

Moat -- a deep and wide trench around the rampart of a fortified place (such as a castle) that is usually filled with water

I just did a quick look up and though it sounds just like mote (a speck of something), it does not have the same derivation.  Our moat comes from 15th century Middle English mote  while mote comes from 12th century Middle English mot.  Confused yet?  Me, too.  But for sure we know what a moat looks like...


Photo by Kees Streefkerk on Unsplash 

How often do you use a moat in your game? 


Ted said...

There is a moat around most castles in my game. But they seldom factor into play.

Troll Lord Games said...

You could try to use it as a river crossing! :-)

The Northern Virginia Conservative said...

Definitely the first one, the one viewed from above.

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