Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Word of the Day -- Ceviche

Today we bring you a word for one of my favorite dishes I've ever had...

Ceviche -- a dish made of raw fish marinated in lime or lemon juice often with oil, onions, peppers, and seasonings and sometimes served as a snack or appetizer

It was around 1993 and I was in New York to watch a few days of the US Open.  I was there with a friend of mine, John.  He was an inspiration to me, especially with teaching me about carpentry, food, and booze.  He was one of those free spirits who spent a lifetime trying new things, new jobs, new places to live.  He told me we had to try this place in Manhattan.  

We spent an hour getting there from Queens, but when we got there, it was a food experience like none other.  The place is gone now, but it was a really cool and interesting, innovative place, mixing traditional Peruvian ceviche with fusions from all over the world.  

We ate and drank until I passed out on subway home.  

If you've not tried it, you may think that the description above sounds a bit odd.  Well, it is a bit odd, but it's one of the best damned things I've ever eaten.  You should give it a go...


Josh said...

Looks tasty! Cooking stream incoming? xD

Troll Lord Games said...

Well, if not a stream, we might do a bit more talk about food. It's my (Tim) favorite subject! :-)

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