Friday, January 23, 2015

Weapon of the Day - Urumi

This is a sweet weapon. One has to see it in action to believe it. The is a 'sword' though I might call it a metal whip. The blade of the urumi is constructed of flexible steel such that the blade is in motion like a whip when used. It has a hilt with a cross guard. It is very difficult to master and is used similar to a flail (though requires less energy). There can be a single blade or numerous blades. The Sri Lankan version had 32 blades.

I would imagine there is a great chance of injuring oneself when using this unless very well trained.

and video

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, the sword you chose to represent the urumi isn't actually one. I've seen it before, it was located in a Dutch burial site - and suggested to be entirely ornamental.

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