Monday, August 04, 2014

Mile High Tells it Big

If you've been collecting or even just buying comics you've probably heard of Mile High Comics. This mail order business (now a huge store) has been around since way fore the beginning of days. I can't remember a time I couldn't order something from Mile High. Its an institution.

The owner, Chuck Rozanski, has been at the helm since forever. He's put a really nice, well, not so nice, editorial about what publishers are doing to do the retail stores at Comic Con. He goes into it at length, how publisher exclusives are drying up sales for retailers at the big shows. Its not because they are cut out, but rather because the collector only has so much money and when they have to dedicate X amount to picking up exclusives at publisher booths, then it impacts what they can spend on things like back issues.

Its a publisher driven collector's market. Which is sad really. The collectors market shouldn't be for new crap, but rather for crap that has survived the ages. TLG occasionally does collectors things but we never exclude the retailers, its just not good business.

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