Monday, February 03, 2014

Mars: Rocky Mushrooms & Donuts

A few weeks ago NASA discovered a rock in a picture that had not been there before. Earlier pictures showed a pretty non-descript yard or so of dirt and soil. Later pictures showed a rock laying in the middle of the dirt. Something had moved it there.

More than likely, it was the rover itself. Turning, it probably caught the rock under a wheel and spit it in that direction. If you've ever been on a dirt road, you now what I'm talking about (and this seems to be the general consensus). However, one fella had decided that that explanation doesn't quite jive with what he's learned about Mars. Rhawn Jospesh has sued NASA for the information they are holding back and in the suit demanded they take more pictures and close up shots.

This is actual footage, taken from above the rover.

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