Friday, November 08, 2013

It's More than You Think!

Greetings from the Dens! We have at last unrolled the carpet on The Book of Familiars opening it up for pre-order. The Book of Familiars opens up whole new vistas for your table . . . from the rogue's own shadow as a familiar to the barbarian's animal totem . . . growing the game without slowing it down.

A pre-order earns you a place in the credits as well as reaping a nice discount.

Snare your Familiar here. You can check out the book's outline there as well.

We're offering a number of pre-order packages. You can secure yourself a copy of the book in digital format, or print and digital as well as all out and get the tee shirt and more. New to the fray? Pick up the entire line and plunge in!

Look for constant updates from Peter Bradley as he hammers out the cover. Its shaping up to a nice griffon/ranger - dragon battle.

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