Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Castles and Crusades thread on RPGnet

linky about the game if anyone cares to comment. I'll be bouncing over there at some point.

RPGnet has a much more pleasant atmosphere than it once had (about 8 years ago I guess, when even I got banned). It has always been informative and there are some very knowledgeable gamers over there. It is also rife with ideas and interesting discussions. The moderators keep most everything in line and with rare exception edition wars are a thing of the past.

I guess with sooooo maaaaany editions of everything all edition wars are like one on one fight now anyway. haha. that was a joke.


1 comment:

DesignZombie said...

I never understood the edition wars. Sure you don't like a game, so don't play it then.

I happen to like a lot of versions of D&D (including C&C) and yes, I have my favored version of the rules, but it does not mean I will ruin it for others by belittling them.

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