Thursday, July 18, 2013

Secret Chambers

Archeologists have discovered a number of secret chambers in one of the oldest castles in Scotland, Drum Castle. While exploring options to repair and preserve some of the walls they uncovered several blocked up windows. Presumably these windows were covered up and made part of the defensive walls. However, upon opening them, several rooms have been revealed.

A second chamber may have hidden Mary Irvine's brother after the defeat at the Battle of Culloden which ended the Jacobite Revolution. Her brother may have been hidden there for 3 years.

All very cool and offers  story of long ago.


DesignZombie said...

Adventure seed? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I put one of those in a recent adventure, but the guy had been hiding in there a *really* long time, if you know what I mean. It's probably just as well the adventurers didn't find the room.


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