Thursday, June 06, 2013

Hobbit Purists . . . Watch Out

The makers of the Hobbit have decided to put a little umph into the story for female viewers and place a sylvan elf named Tauriel into the adventure. Apparently she'll be a love interest of Legolas, close to the Elven King Thranduil. The writer speaks of her as if she's part of the  . . . holding back comments . . . er, the "lower order" of elves (that being the Sylvan Elves, of which Legolas is one).

They've released the first shot of it here:

Read full article HERE.

I'm not sure what to think about this, so I'm not going to think about this at all.


ColoradoChris said...

Apparently the book wasn't rich enough in character and plot for Peter Jackson.
I didn't really like the LotR movies, and when I heard they were splitting The Hobbit into 2 (then 3!?!?!) movies, I was pissed.
Not a fan of Peter Jackson. Nothing is sacred.

Deogolf said...


Anonymous said...

Purists? Hmmm...

Yeah. The best part of the Story of the Last Supper was when The Joker and The Batman threw off their disguises and started fighting. The table got over turned and that's how the Holy Grail got lost.

jeff hallett said...

I liked LoTR for the most part, but actually didn't finish The Hobbit Part 1. The addition of a pretty face might get me to watch it. Yes, I'm shallow. (To quote Maxwell Smart) "And . . . loving it."

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