Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Mists of Delphi

Somewhere deep in the 11th century BC Greeks occupied the lower slopes of Mount Parnassus. From their small holdings they could view the Gulf of Corinth below. From their earliest beginnings the people made sacrifice to a dragon-god that dwelt upon the slopes of the mountain, Python. But in time Apollo, master of the fiery wheel, took pity upon the people of Parnassus and taking issue with Python he slew the beast with many arrows; though some tales relate that Apollo slew the beast in service of Leta his mother, but who now can question the reasoning of the gods. Python's blood soaked into the ground and left a mist wherever it lay. 

Apollo blessed the people of Parnassus and they built a sanctuary for him at the headwaters of the Castalian Spring and they named it Delphi. They lived their in quiet for many years, haunted only by the mists of Python.

In time Apollo wished to grace the sanctuary with music; and he took to the sea in search of the ancient Cretans for they were known far and wide for the beauty of their voices. Finding a ship off the coast of Knossos he cast himself onto the planks in the form of a dolphin and called upon the people there to follow him. They did, in fear at first, but later with joy. These in instilled in the Sanctuary so that their voices carried over the land far and wide.

Ever did they breathe the mists of Python and these changed them. Their voices, so angelic became fused with prophecy and in time they could foretell the future. And a great priesthood grew up around them and Greeks came to the Pythia in time to seek aid and comfort or reason and being.

And the Oracle came to be for it was seen that in the mists of Python the priestess' song became prophecy and Kings and men could rely upon it. So they came and made sacrifice and Apollo's sanctuary flourished as never intended.

Thus it stood at Delphi for a thousand years, where man dwelt in the shadows of gods and their deeds. But the later Romans took affront of the Oracle and destroyed the temple and burned the sanctuary and scattered the mists of prophecy. So that now Apollo alone comes to Parnassus, drifting through the shadows of the dying sun, to breathe the mists of Python, cast about his memories and muse upon the power of his people now gone.

1 comment:

DesignZombie said...

Thanks for posting this story (and the pictures)!

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