Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Prince of Sealand Has Died

The Prince of Sealand, Paddy Roy Bates I, has died. He ruled his vastly tiny kingdom for many decades, but he laid his head to rest a few night's past. His son is, Michael now reigns.

Sealand was founded in 1966 by Bates I on an old World War II platform. It was small, only 500 or so square feet, and housed a bathroom and a few other facilities. Bates I settled the platform with his wife and children and declared their independence from Great Britain. The British never recognized Sealand, and attempted to evict the countries' entire population (of 2) through legal action but the courts ruled against the crown and Sealand survived.

Sealand's national website.

Sealand's motto speaks to us all, E Mare Libertas: "From the sea, freedom."

Sealand is pretty cool, but has to be one of the ugliest nations on earth.

Rest in Peace Paddy Roy Bates I. God's Speed and Safe Journey. Long Live Michael I!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see some news, positive news no less, about a micronation.

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