Friday, October 05, 2012

Armor Porn


Anonymous said...

Enough with the "Armor Porn" posts already. Do you realize how many times the word "porn" now appears on your blog? I'm sure I'm not alone in the fact that your blog is blocked at my workplace due to your frequent use of the word.

I suppose someone running a search for porn might now accidentally find his way to your site and might decide to buy an RPG book rather than download the Jenna Jameson video he was looking for, but I doubt it.

Troll Lord said...

LOLOL No I doubt anyone searching for porn will stop to buy an RPG book.

But good grief! I didn't even think about that popping up on the work place radar (I tend to be a bit insulated here in the Troll Dens). With that in mind I will change the title, I'll think up something clever for it.

Thanks for the heads up!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome. I didn't mean to sound Holier Than Thou, but I have a few game blogs that I like to read when I should be working, and I can't get to yours.

You guys are cool. Keep doing good things.

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