Monday, August 27, 2012

Quest for Fire...and Shoes

Quest for Fire chronicles the journey of 3 no-lythic adventurers as they attempt to find fire for their people. The movie opens with a peaceful narrative of early man, camping out and frying fish. The individual natures of the cavemen are highlighted in several really cool scenes. Soon they are attacked by a bunch of similar looking ape like creatures...I'm pretty sure these are communists, as they were all gray looking...and these bone heads kill a bunch of the cave dwellers and force the rest into flight where they loose their fire. Once lost it must be regained. So three worthies take off into the wilderness and meet some fine young cannibals, beat the crap out of them and they start walking with shake off the fine young cannibals. In the end they learn the secret of fire form some sex starved pygmies and go home...but not before one gets mauled by a bear.

It really punctuates how difficult finding fire was for our early ancestors, as well as shoes.

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