Monday, July 09, 2012

AMC series The Walking Dead! They released some stills from the next season, which I assume they are working on now. It looks to be as cool as the first two seasons...though I have to admit that everyone in the part wandering off all the time was driving me crazy, if I was that sheriff I think I would hobble everyone...looking forward to it.

I'm thinking what would be cool is the Spartans from 300 meeting the zombies from the Walking Dead. They would kill them with their shields!


Anthony Simeone said...

Great stuff, love that show!

Hey Steve, I emailed you at the Troll Lord general email with a couple questions, just wanted to know if that was the right email to get ahold of you. Thanks!

- Anthony from South Jersey (gamer at All Things Fun!)

Troll Lord said...

Anthony, I did get that! i'll get to that today!


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