Tuesday, March 06, 2012

DOOM, we are all dead

Looks like the Maya were only a few months off in the call for DOOM to us all. Doom, doom, doom.


Doom, despair and agony on me....

An asteroid is headed our way. It's slotted to hit in T minus something under 365 days. Our doom clock begins boys. Roll your dice and hope for a nat 20.




Matthew said...

Turns out the Mayans didn't even have leap years, so by their reckoning (mixed with some judiciously bad culturally biased interpretation) we should already be dead.

And btw, your link goes to a story about our common vertebrate ancestor, not an asteroid.

Anonymous said...

They translated the calender after inventing the gregorian calender, so all leap days are included in the "final" date.

Troll Lord said...

Hey, never underestimate cultural bias! haha

MormonYoYoMan@gmail.com said...

It's obvious that we're still alive because some greater wizards' coalition turned the asteroid into a flatworm.

*jeep & God Bless!
--Grandpa Chet

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