Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Castle for Sale - with cool maps

Montbrun castle is for sale - still

its on 24 million euro. i'd wait until europe implodes and the euro becomes monopoly money to make a purchase. just me though. i'm sticking my 24 mil in my pocket until said time.

the maps on the accompanying link are cool. linky


Fredrik Hansson said...

You'd need to have a large family to live there, to fend off roaming barbarian bands and goblin armies tyring to scale the walls.

Greyhawk Grognard said...

Oooh... a home with an oubliette.

I'm tempted.

Anonymous said...

Very impressive!

I like the secret room, which is a glorified bar room, with access to the roof no less. Come to think of it, drinking and running up and down the ramparts seems like a recipe for an accident.

Unknown said...

It needs a moat. I'll supply the alligators.:-)

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