Thursday, December 01, 2011

Dwarven Home

The game I'm running right now has taken the party into the Rhodope Mountains in the far west of the Lands of Ursal. They have traveled up from the Darkenfold, climbed the eastern slopes, crossed under the mountains on a dwarven river road and come out on the west. They've decided to cross back to their hunting grounds in the Darkenfold, climbing the mountains this time. The Rhodopes of course were straddled the ancient east/west dwarven roads. In these weathered peaks the dwarves built many homes; homes nestled in the deep vales and cuts of the rocky cliffs, others deep into the mountains, and still some near the surface. They are of course long abandoned. The party has encountered them time and time again . . . .

The World of Aihrde.

And don't forget the 12 Days of Christmas! Get your bundle deal today!

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