Friday, October 28, 2011


Had an interesting conversation with Tim Burns a few minutes ago. As many of you may or may not know Tim Burns works as TLG front line editor. He called with an interesting problem. It seems that petrification, a word we are all quite used to, isn't a word at all. The actual word for something that is petrified is petrifaction.

Learn something every day.


Troll Lord Games said...

to be fair, i did a little more research and it is considered a word in the free dictionary, but i use the merriam webster dictionary as the standard ( and could not find it. but considering that many words used in RPG are not in any dictionary, i would say either word would probably suffice. just another reason to love words. :-)

Kim said...

My criteria for a word being a word: I use it. Ergo, it is a word. And that's the troof.

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