Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earthquake in DC area

Everyone take care. Help yourselves, neighbors, friends and families. Hope everyone is well.

I went through the 89/90 earthquake in California. The one that knocked down the Bay Bridge. Really weird to feel the earth move.

I was actually in dispose when it struck and thought there was a plumbing problem. Imagine my concern when I realized it was a quake. A half naked Davis jumping out a bathroom window.


For those of interested, here is a link to an up to the minute earthquake around the world map.

1 comment:

Philo Pharynx said...

I was at UC Santa Cruz for that Earthquake myself. Watching Kubrick's 2001 (sadly, it was not when they played Zarathrusta). We evacuated to see a pane of glass they were installing next door drop 3 stories. Now that was an Earthquake. As a native Californian, I'm amused at all of the fuss about a tiny little 5.8 with only a few minor injuries.

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