Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Down in the Troll Dens! News! Sales and More

Its Tuesday, if you've been following us on Facebook for the last 24 hours you have probably seen our creature from the Wretched Plains, unearthed whilst Davis and I were digging a hole. It looks to be some small beast that crawled from the deeps and got lodged in the twisted roots of the pine tree that we digger around. Though I'm told it might be a how skull or a bull dog, I'm not buying it.

But beasts from other worlds aside, there's a whole passel of things going on around here that needs updating.

Recently we released the Aihrde: Cradle of the World Maps in both digital format and on the store front. You can get teh Print/Digital Combo for a heavy discount on our store as well. This giant map is 55" wide and 36" tall. The digital copy comes that large, saved at industry standard 300dpi in PDF format. The print copy comes in 9 sheets, for quick use at the game table, printed on 110lbs gloss cover stock, with a nice UV coating on it. This coating will make the survivability of the product all the greater (though it will only coated on ONE side and do not fold UV coated material, it tends to crack on the fold). This product is available now so pick yours up, we strongly suggest the combo as it comes with a nice discount.

Of course don't miss out on Dark Journey, recently released. This adventure module will blow your socks off!

While your over at RPGnow or Drivethru shopping take note that we have just launched a 30% off Sale on everything in the store (aside from the recently released Maps, Dark Journey and CKG). Tim was running many  sale and we kind of dropped the sword he left in our hands, so we'll make the whole up by just dropping the price on everything for the next 7 days...at least as long as the creature from the Wretched Plains calls upon me to quit! So head on over and pick up those long sought after titles.

In other news be sure to check out The Geek Life Project. Chuck is running a week's worth of discussion on Castles & Crusades over there!

Work has at last begun on Crusader 25; look for it in the near future!

And lastly, if you have not already done so, be sure to join the C&C Society. Its free and is a great resource for all things C&C!

1 comment:

Chuck T said...

Thanks again for the mention guys! Most of rants this week are going to be about how I plan on tweaking C&C.

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