Thursday, February 17, 2011

Don't forget tonight!

Tonight (Thursday) you can find Steve online at Beautiful Brains' Backroom Chat at 9pm EST. Steve, along with Christina and my sickly self if I will be online to answer your questions, talk, etc.  It's a great chance to talk to the Troll Lord online and get his thoughts on all things Trollish.  We will be giving away a Players Handbook to one lucky winner.

Also, I wanted to remind everyone that the Castle Keepers Guide is available in both PDF and Perfect Bound Editions. 

We hope to have the Hard Cover out soon, as Steve stated in an earlier blog, we have mostly resolved our issues.  We do appreciate everyone's patience and understanding; you guys have been great.  As a thank you, we are offering a 20% discount for the PDF to anyone that has preordered or does preorder the CKG in Hard Cover.  Once you have preordered it, simply drop me an email and I'll email you instructions on how to receive the discount.  Also as Steve has mentioned earlier, we have started producing and shipping the Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde as well as Gods & Monsters in Hard Cover, so that's very good news!

That's all for now I guess.  I do hope you will join us online tonight!

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