Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Growing Pains

Well as usual, we seem to be having growing pains. At least I hope its growing pains . . . .

Jim and Liz have just put Crusader 19 to bed and its a good one, chalk full of all kinds of articles. We have a few sneak peeks on the CKG in this issue as well.

Work on the Castle Keeper's Guide has been tremendous has knocked us off schedule with the A series, nothing unusual there as that poor series is constantly being knocked to the side. A6 has just now shipped and we'll announce its availability tonight or tomorrow night. We'll also put up some errata for the Monsters & Treasure, apparently we left out the stat block for the Shark.

But problems with the M&T have made us take a closer look at the PH which we are going over now. That has necessarily delayed that project by a week or so. This of course has delayed work on the CKG somewhat, but it has not impacted Gods & Monsters as that book is almost completely in Peter's court now. This has had a small impact on Tainted Lands though that project is well on its way for a Gencon Release.

In short we have a ripple affect going up and down the line caused largely by the PH delays. I'll have a better assessment next week of where we are on everything.

Thanks for playing!

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