Thursday, March 05, 2015


The idea that early man and Neanderthals interbred is just cool. I have no idea why, it just seems like a happier ending than humans wiped out Neanderthals. Of course, they probably did to some extent, biology is not a kind mistress.

I'm not sure I buy the occasional rambling that humans get their more base and aggressive natures from neanderthals. Not sure that is a theory or something the internet throws out there now and again. I constant attempts to paint our species as something other than, and something driven by different motivations than other species is a bit reckless I think. From our emotions to tool use, all these are adaptations and mutations that allow us to survive in ever greater numbers, in more difficult environments.

Space being the next frontier, we're going to need every mutation we have...whether or not the came from Neanderthals or not.

I don't know, she's pretty hot . . .


Anonymous said...

Dude, that's your Great-great-great ... great-Grandmother!
(And mine!)

Troll Lord said...

Dangit! Good point . . . but on the other hand . . .

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