Thursday, February 06, 2014

Tim, Irregardless of your desires

commonsensical and irregardless are words, however unsightly they may appear on page and distracting to the ear.


Those of us who speak poorly and write even less so will conquer those of you who do because we
outnumber you and blabber more than you and by dint of shear sound wave domination, will lay waste to your much revered english language.



Troll Lord Games said...

of course, you know...this means war! LOL

Carole said...

No no irregardless is not a word. It hurts my ears.

Carole said...

No no irregardless is not a word. It hurts my ears.

Anonymous said...

It burns the eye.

Troll Lord said...

i prefer oxes to oxen and childs to children

Troll Lord said...

and i detest capitols whether of countries or in in words

Anonymous said...

I get the logic behind saying that "irregardless" isn't a word - the argument that the "ir-" prefix and the "-less" suffix are both fulfilling the same instance of negation, making the use of both redundant - but if the dictionary is fine with "ginormous" it should be fine with that!

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