Sunday, July 06, 2008

Hell Bent to the Tower's Top

If you haven't noticed it yet,the Troll Lord Games homepage has undergone a major face lift. Brian Kowalski, our inventive webmaster, has spent many, many hours laboring over a new, more efficient design for our homepage. He's created a new product viewer, streamlined the news section and modernized the look and design. A special thanks goes out to Brian, Aztecman on the boards, as he has really put the effort in to the website these past several years, expanding and growing it to meet both our needs and to make the whole site easier to navigate.

Hail Brian Master of the Web! Trollzah! Trollzah! Trollzah!

With this new website we'll endeavor to get updates out in a more timely manner.

I need to take a moment out to apologize to the United States Marine Corps! Apparently the photograph we had up on the site, the one linking to the military support page, had a picture of Marine wearing his insignia backwards. I hadn't noticed it before, though a close examination proved the truth of it. But thank you to Gunny Sergeant Brian Deming for pointing it out to us. The picture was promptly replaced. I would offer the Marine Corps "beers on me" but that would get very expensive very fast.

Its been over a month since I updated this blog and there is a deficit of information out there. But we have been working like madness to bring the Upper Works up to speed so that it makes it out in July. Jeffrey Talanian, Peter Bradley, Cory Caserta and Jason Walton have done an amazing job in bringing the final pieces of this project together and their work and labors would, I think, make Gary proud.

LGGC IV was a good show! Attendance was down just a bit, but the show was one of the best. The porch party was moved to the Legion Hall and the crowd swelled all night until we had over 50 people gathered about gaming and chatting. The hall was a constant buzz of gaming goodness with C&C, LA and AD&D dominating the playing field. I didn't see any 4e, though I was hoping for a look see at how it played. I ran a fast paced game for a bit on Saturday and the gang did a sound job of adventuring through the Darkenfold! Joe Goodman was good enough to join us and played one tough gnome fighter who rode the shield of a greater orc while pounding its head in. Sweet stuff. A thanks out to Frank Mentzer, James M. Ward, Tom Wham and Tim Kask, all great guys who went out of their way to participate and help grow the show. And a special thanks to Gail Gygax who made a wonderful ham and turkey for the feast at the Legion Hall. I'll post more later but good times were had all around.

We have more news coming, exciting news I think that may help propel the game you and I have built these past years into the general pit fight that is our common hobby. This will be around the Gen Con time frame....that's assuming I get my end of it done.

I'm really just babbling at this point and need to sign off. Hope you enjoy the new page and look to the post man cause Crusader 10 is at the printer now!

Thanks for Playing


Kersus said...

The new page is nice and loads quickly for those of us with low bandwidth. I hope it stays that way. Not everyone has high speed. I miss the little blog of updated info though that usually accompanies updates on the main page. Bring on LA!

Troll Lord said...

I actually had Davis check it while on the farm where they only have dial up. He said it loaded just fine, so I'm doubly pleased its working for you as well. I'm not so far removed from dial up haha

LA goodness as soon as Upper Works makes its debut!


Steinkel said...

Hello there. Let me introduce myself, I represent a D&D gamers association called Aventureros Errantes de la Marca del Este (The East Mark’s Errant Adventurers Guild) from southeast Spain (EU). We're huge fans of Troll Lord Games Castles & Crusades. We think it's one of the best rpg system created (Siege Engine), because of its old fashioned style, simplicity and value (value, yes, because of the enormous quantity of adventures we can use from other D&D editions with minor changes). ¡Ah!, we have a very famous (you can check the blog's public counters) blog here in Spain ( and we do a lot of reviews, especially D20. We always write very positive comments in our periodicals reviews of C&C products, you can check it out by visiting the blog, if you care. Now we’re waiting for Dro Mandras.

Anyway, keep up the good work, and thank you again. Sorry for my bad english.

Hasta la vista.

Plywood Memories from Gencon to Vegas

  Out trip to Gencon took us up through the Arkansas Delta country, and into the boot of Missouri, across the Big Muddy and on into the spra...